
Podcast interview about “Rituals of Ethnicity” on New Books in South Asia, New Books Network

Click here to visit the New Books Network website, or listen to the podcast below.    

Video Proceedings from the Himalayan Connections workshop

Video proceedings from the March 2013 Himalayan Connections workshop at Yale that I co-convened with Andrew Quintman (Yale Religious Studies). I give the opening remarks in the first video.

‘Producing’ Thangmi Ritual Texts: Practice, Performance and Collaborative Documentation

My talk at the 2010 “Archiving Orality and Connecting with Communities” workshop, hosted by the World Oral Literature Project at the University of Cambridge, UK

Mobility in the Himalaya

Yale Himalaya Initiative interview on my work on trans-Himalayan mobility

Inequality and Affirmative Action in India and Nepal

Yale MacMillan Center Report focusing on my work on the British Academy-funded UK South Asia partnership scheme project on Inequality and Affirmative Action in India and Nepal